"The earth is beautiful. If you start living its beauty, enjoying its joy with no guilt in your heart, you are in paradise. If you condemn everything, every small joy, then the same earth turns into a hell. It is the question of your own inner transformation. It is not a change of place; it is change of inner space.

Live joyously, guiltlessly, live totally live intensely. And then heaven is no more metaphysical concept, it is your own experience"

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Many of us are now at the place where we have no alternative but to be true to ourselves...

We come to this world to experience our own reality- to learn who we are by being what we thought would be best for us. Eventually most of us reach a place where we are not so content with doing our lives in the old ways. Most people may never recognise this state when it happens. They may go on doing life as they always have until they die discontented. Life is intended to be lived here in great joy with great wisdom, and with energy abounding.

Why then do so many people live in a state of fear, or exhaustion, or depression? It’s often because they are not living the true life they came here to live and their mind and body know it. They know it on such a deep level that they cannot keep themselves from feeling discomfort. I know that for me there were many years in which I sensed that I was not doing my life exactly as I needed. I was either in the wrong profession, living in the wrong place, or with the wrong people, or trying to convince myself that I was happy. It wasn’t working. I knew in my heart that I don’t have time to continue living that way, that if I did I would never be happy or fulfil my life’s purpose.

Today, I have reached a place where I feel relatively content with my life, though many people living in the old ways might be prone to wonder. I am living so far outside the box of typical human existence that I often make no sense to them. Because now i see my life a joyous walk through a beautiful hand, encumbered only by my own ability to express joy and give and receive love.

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